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Donate your support is appreciated!

Thank you for considering a contribution to EGPS which is greatly appreciated. Over the past year contributions have allowed EGPS to provide 23 scholarships for attendance at our recent Annual Conference and six scholarships to supplement tuition to attend the EGPS Training Program in Group Psychotherapy.

If you are a member please be sure to login and the information on the donation form will be filled in automatically. If you are not a member, please complete all the information requested.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

All fields are mandatory

Contact Info

I want to direct my donation(s) to:
The Reparations Scholarship Fund$
is a dedicated fund for African American applicants in the amount of $2000 for at least two recipients each year. This scholarship aims to offer reparation by enhancing access to educational opportunities that have been historically denied
Dustin Nichols Fund$
provides scholarship money to supplement the tuition of the EGPS One-Year Training Program in Group Psychotherapy, enabling anyone who desires group training to be able to do so
Annual Conference Scholarship Fund$
provides support to many new clinicians, graduate students, medical students, and the occasional seasoned professional to attend
Spring Event Scholarship Fund$
provides support to enable attendance at this annual event to those who might not otherwise be able to attend
General Fund$
supports the general operations of the organization

NOTE: if you are a member, please login before proceeding. Thank you.