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About Us background and philosophy

Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society Mission Statement (2022)
The Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS), an affiliate of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, is a multidisciplinary, multicultural, multiracial, professional organization. We advance group approaches to the delivery of human services through training, community, scholarship, and advocacy. Recognizing that multiple communities have been marginalized and unjustly treated, including within our professions, EGPS aspires to be intentionally anti-oppressive to all people.
EGPS Vision Statement (2022)
Our vision for the future is that group therapy and group processes will be widely recognized as powerfully effective and accessible means of individual and societal healing. We envision a world where more practitioners have access to quality group training that recognizes significant aspects of personal identity (including, but not limited to race, skin color, ethnicity, spiritual practices, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, age, body-ability, neurodiversity), and their impact on a person’s well-being, relationships, and positionality.
EGPS Statement about Reparations (click here)
Statement of Solidarity and Support for Black Lives (click here)
Statement Against Political Scapegoating (click here)
Activities include:
- Annual Conference
- Spring Event
- Monthly local discussion groups
- Training and Supervision Program in Group Psychotherapy
- EGPS quarterly journal GROUP
- Newsletter
- Referral Service
- Members-only listserv
- On-line Membership Directory
- Social and networking events